Senin, 01 November 2010

Quick Tricks With 10 Finger Typing

Every day we are always dealing with computers for typing or to play .. and often we use the keyboard for various things. For example, to write letters, write your name, chat .. or other. but realize that the finger is in use for typing it always the same and usually people just use 7 fingers to type fast .. As evidence I'm sure you would rarely even never use the thumb for thumb typing but it would be useful in appropriately and enable us to have ten fingers of his task each for typing.

First for proficient typing 10 fingers, we must first know the correct finger position.See the image below:

Left hand
Finger little finger:
First line = 'and 1
Second row = Tab and Q
Third row = CapsLock and A
Fourth row left Shift and Z =
Fifth Row = Ctrl and Windows

Finger Sweet:
First row = 2
Second row = W
Third line = S
Fourth row = X

Middle Finger:
First row = 3
Second Row = E
Third row = D
Fourth row = C

Finger finger:
First row = 4 and 5
Second row = R and T
Third row = F and G
Fourth row = V and B

Mrs. Finger:
Fifth row = left Alt and Spacebar

Right hand
Mrs. Finger:
Fifth row = Right Alt and Spacebar

Finger finger:
First row = 6 and 7
Second row = Y and U
Third row = H and J
Fourth row = N and M

Middle Finger:
First row = 8
Second row = I
Third row = K
Fourth row =,

Finger Sweet:
First row = 9
Second row = O
Third row = L
Fourth row =.
Finger little finger:
First row = 0, -, = and BackSpace
Second Row = P, [and]
Third row =,;, 'and Enter
Fourth row = / and right shift.

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